Thursday, February 7, 2013

Workplace Safety and Health - stakeholder’s involvement in the review and methods of

Importance of stakeholder’s involvement in the review and methods of
gaining their involvement

Stakeholder’s involvement in the WSH policy review processes is important as
it can leads to the achievement of the following:
• Establishment of more balanced WSH policy and objectives, with
consideration of the stakeholder’s interests.
• Setting of realistic and achievable WSH policy and objectives
• Easier to obtain the stakeholder’s support during the implementation

Methods of gaining stakeholders involvement

Organization may employ either one of the following methods to help them gain the stakeholders involvement in the WSH policy and review processes

• WSH committee meetings
• Interested parties feedback sessions
• Small group meetings
• One-on-one discussions
• Email and telephone calls with interested parties
• Surveys
Establish the likely impact and the resources needed for implementation,
prior to finalising the proposed changes to the policy and objectives

For this case study we shall assumed that the organization has an effective
sound and positive WSH policy and program which is current and relevant to
their context and continuous improvement efforts have been undertaken to
constantly improve their WSH management system
In addition the organization WSH policy is also in line with management system
such as the OSHAS 18001 and SS506 and have the following characteristics:
• Is appropriate to the nature and scale of OHS risks
• There are commitment to
-Prevention of injury and ill health
-Comply with applicable legal and other requirements
-Continual improvement
• Provides the framework for setting and reviewing of OHS objectives
• Is documented, implemented and maintained
• Is communicated to all persons, make aware if their OHS obligations
• Is available to the interested parties and
• Is reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate

Assessment of likely impact due to the proposed changes during review

It is important that the organization conduct assessment of the following
proposed changes and analyzed it’s impact prior to finalising the changes to
WSH policy and objectives

Proposed changes includes

• All employees should be trained on chemical safety as this is the major
hazard identified during risk assessment
• 50% of employees should be trained on first aid and CPR to improve
emergency preparedness.
• Due to aging workforce, mechanical aids should be installed to eliminate
or reduce manual handling
• To improve hazard communication, all safety signs are to be standardised
and made of durable types
• To ensure that risk registers are kept up to date, all departments must
review risk register annually

The impact to the organization arising from changes process may include the

• Reduced WSH risks
• Reduced costs
• Improved productivities
• Improved compliance
• Lower injury and illness rates

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