Thursday, February 7, 2013

Workplace Safety and Health - Consultation with Stakeholders on Developed Policy

After an organization have developed it’s WSH policy, it is necessary that the
organization consult with their relevant stakeholders on the proposed WSH
policy to obtain endorsement

Consultation with relevant stakeholders, who may include

• Employe
• Senior management
• Line and functional managers
• Union
• WSH committee
• Internal groups and committees
• External groups which can impact WSH policy
• Contractors
• Government agencies
• Industrial associations and groups
• Professional bodies

Based on the organisation structure, the two identified stakeholders are the  HSE Director and the Center Managing Director where both will be consulted and feedback as well as support will be gathered from each on the proposed developed WSH policy to obtain endorsement

Mechanism of WSH consultation process, which may include:

• WSH Committee meetings
• Interested parties feedback sessions
• Small group meetings
• One –on-one discussions
• Email and telephone calls with interested parties

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