Thursday, February 7, 2013

Workplace Safety and Health : Potential problem that may arise during the WSH policy implementation

Potential problem that may arise during the WSH policy implementation

Potential problems that may arise during the WSH policy implementation process is that individuals within the management organization do not understand their roles or their roles have never been properly explained and communicated to them and neither is it documented.

The higher an individual appointment within the organization, the less likely that the affected individual will receive any form of formal health and safety training and training at management board level is usually rare.
In addition, the varying objectives and priorities between different levels and
functional departments within the organization could potentially leads to dispute due to conflict of interests where each functional department or level is only interested in their own areas of operations with no cross-functional collaborations to work achieving the organization overall WSH goals and objectives.

Due to the present of this stereo-typing mentality among the different functional groups, it affects the stakeholder’s attitude towards the organization health and safety

Determine actions to be taken should problem arise during the WSH policy
implementation process

Organization should identify mechanism to collate and monitor problems that
can arise during the WSH policy implementation process. And when problems
arise during policy implementation stage, organization should take the following actions to resolve them

• Identify the obstacles or problems encountered
• Escalate the problems to the management. Including also issues relating
to resources and timelines if unable to resolve.
• Convene a meeting involving all affected parties for discussion on
reorganization and redeployment of resources and strategy for the
purpose of resetting the timeline for implementation of WSH policy and
inform all parties affected

Actions to be taken to address the identified potential problems may

• Communicate to the affected person(s) and made them aware of the
WSH policy and their roles in it’s implementation. Following which
document on the individual WSH roles shall be prepared and served to
the affected person and a copy filed in the Human Resource Department
employee personal files
• Assign health and safety responsibilities. When assigning health and
safety responsibilities the management have to consider the person’s
level of authority
• Establishment of accountability to monitor WSH performance and
commitment of all managers to achieve the organization’s overall WSH
• Include Safety and Health responsibilities and performance objectives in
all levels of employees job descriptions; performance appraisal and
salary reviews.
• Develop procedures to ensure that safety and health performance is
considered in performance appraisal
• Specify how WSH performance will be measured
• Involve the stakeholders in the WSH program to create the recognition
and the sense of belongings in them so as to encourage their participation
and commitment in workplace safety and health program
• Provision of training to equip the stakeholders with the knowledge and
skills to assume their assigned program responsibilities. Training program
such as management training, WSH Committee Training and Employee
Orientation training should be taken into consideration


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