Thursday, February 7, 2013

Workplace Safety and Health - WSH Objectives for WSH Policy

Establishment of WSH Organization Structure Aligned with WSH Policy
and Company Needs

An organization structures should be established in such a way that it aligns with the organization’s WSH policy and the organization needs

The three organizational structure that may influence the WSH policy

• Line, functional and staff responsibilities
• WSH Structure in the organization,
• WSH committee structure, which may include:
-WSH officer
-WSH Coordinator
-WSH Representative
-Emergency Response Team
-Hazmat Team
-Fire Safety Manager
-Safety/Health/Environmental Engineer
-Hazardous Substance Permit Holder
-Radiation License Holder
-Industrial Hygienist
-Industrial Nurse
-WSH Programmes Managers

In this work assignment the WSH organization structure that is suitable
and relevant to  would be that of Line, functional and staff responsibilities

WSH Objectives for Implementation of WSH policy

Objective is defined as the goals that an organization set itself to achieve
according to the definition provided by the SS 506
Organization should establish and maintain documented WSH objectives at each relevant function and level within the organization. WSH objectives gives the overall direction and long term goal of the company

The overall goals set at the highest level in the organization need to be put into effect by a series of linked plans and objectives. These should be cascade down the various levels within the organization.

When establishing WSH objectives, an organization should ensure that the
established WSH objectives are aligned with and for the implementation of WSH policy and should also take the following into consideration:

• WSH policy
• Legal and other requirements
• Organizational WSH hazards and risks
• Technological options
• Financial, operational and business requirements
• Views of employees and interested parties

The WSH objectives established should be :

• Consistent with the WSH policy, including the commitment to continual
• Reasonable and achievable, in that the organization should have the
ability to reach them or monitor their progress. A reasonable ad
achievable timescale should be defined for the realization of each WSH

In summary, the organization WSH objectives must be specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and has a reasonable achievable timescale

Example of WSH objective is reduction of back injury by 70% by end of 2012

1 comment:

  1. Many walkers and dog walkers have used the former golf course behind Washington State Hospital. Now the Frisbe Golf players are putting flags outside the perimeter path to keep us from using the area, even the path around the outside. Please keep this area a MULTIUSE AREA. Thank you. Anne Cook.


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