Sunday, September 29, 2013

Think Safety. Work Safely. Stopping All Unsafe Actions To make Every Employee Happy

Workplace accidents are not only painful but also costly. Worst it leaves that vivid episode and trauma in you for life while others permanently incapacitated you and burdened your family members If you ever experienced workplace accidents at your workplace, whether fatal or serious, you know that at the end of it, it’s not just the loss of time, it’s also the emotional impact th at such accidents have on your fellow colleagues and on management as well. Don't be an arm chair critic . Go out and start intercepting and intervening all unsafe actions before it is all too late . You could have save a life if you had intervened on time or may be if you didn't intervened on time, you may just live a remorseful life reproaching yourself over and over again ,asking Yourself “I wish I’d done this, I wish I’d done that”, and that regret is something that we all want to avoid The following safety poster is a form of safety promotion to promote the awareness of intervention on unsafe actions in the workplace

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Workplace Safety and Health - Communication Channel for Communication of WSH Legal Register to Stakeholders

Types of communication channels in accordance with organisational
procedures, to communicate the implications of the WSH legal and
other requirements with the respective stakeholders

To communicate the implications of the WSH legal and other requirements
with the designer, manufacturer or supplier of machine

The most appropriate communication channels to be use to communicate the
implications of the WSH legal and other requirement with the designer,
manufacturer or supplier of machine is to hold a formal face to face meeting because when communication is done through meeting, there is opportunity for discussion, seeking advice and clarification. And if the amendment of the legislation or the impact from new legislations is major, it would be better to communicate through meetings because you can expect clarification from the designer, manufacturer or supplier of machine

To communicate the implications of the WSH legal and other requirements
with the installer of the machine The most appropriate communication channels to be use to communicate the implications of the WSH legal and other requirement with the installer of the machine is to hold a formal face to face meeting because when communication is done through meeting, there is opportunity for discussion, seeking advice and clarification from the installer.

And if the amendment of the legislation or the impact from new
legislations is major, it would be better to communicate through meetings because you can expect clarification from the installers of the machine
To communicate the implications of the WSH legal and other requirements
with the engineer who modifies the machine

: Assume the engineer who modifies the machine is also one of
installer of the machine The most appropriate communication channels to be use to communicate the implications of the WSH legal and other requirement with the engineer who modifies the machine is to hold a formal face to face meeting because when communication is done through meeting, there is opportunity for discussion, seeking advice and clarification from the installer.

And if the amendment of the legislation or the impact from new legislations is major, it would be better to communicate through meetings because you can expect clarification from the engineer who modifies on the machine

To communicate the implications of the WSH legal and other requirements
with the employees operating the machine The most appropriate communication channels to be use to communicate the implications of the WSH legal and other requirement with the employees operating the machine is to hold either a briefing such as daily toolbox meeting for workers or to
hold a awareness sessions with the employees operating the machine

To communicate the implications of the WSH legal and other requirements
with Director (General Manager or Senior Management) The most appropriate communication channels to be use to communicate the implications of the WSH legal and other requirement with the Director ( General Manager or Senior Management ) is to hold a formal face to face meeting because
when communication is done through meeting, there is opportunity for discussion,seeking advice and clarification from the Director ( General Manager or Senior Management ). And if the amendment of the legislation or the impact from new legislations is major, it would be better to communicate through meetings because you can expect clarification from the Director ( General Manager or Senior Management )

Workplace Safety and Health -WSH Act what it Means To Me

Duties of various persons at work according to their different capacities
stipulated by the WSH Act

Company A
is identified as the Principle under the WSH Act because company A engaged Lee Woon Contractor Service Pte Ltd to supply labour ( contractor to perform work ) for Company A Packaging
and shipping department

Under the WSH Act, the roles of the Principle are
to take, so far as is reasonably practical, such measures as are necessary to ensure that the contractor that they engaged:

has the competency to carry out the work the principle engaged them for;
has taken adequate safety and health measures necessary in relation to any
machinery, equipment, plant, article or process used by the contractor or the
contractor’s employees.

Chief Executive Officer of Company A is identified as the occupier because he has charge, management or control of those premises
either on his own account or as an agent of another person, whether or
not he is also the owner of those premises.

Under the WSH Act the roles of an occupier are
, as far as reasonably practicable, ensure that the workplace, all entrances to and exits from the workplace, and all machinery, equipment, plants, articles and substances within are safe and without risk to the health of any person within those premises, even if the person is not oneof their employees.

And be responsible for the common areas used by the employees and contractors.Occupier of the common area is also responsible for the following:
 electric generators and motors located in the common area hoists and lifts, lifting gear, lifting appliances and lifting machines located in the
common area
means of entry into or exit from the common area any machinery or plant located in the common area

Lee Woon Contractor Service Pte Ltd
is identified as the contractors because under the WSH Act the definition of “contractor” means any person engaged by another person or organization under a contract for service for the supply of labour orconduct of work at the workplace.

Under the WSH Act, the roles of the contractor are
adhere to safe working procedures and principles introduced at the
Should not endanger themselves or others working around them through unsafe
Should not tamper with any safety device or undertake any wilful or reckless acts.
Should also always correctly use any personal protective equipment provided at work.

Company A
is identified as the employer in this case because they are the pay master , that is any person who employs another person to perform work under a contract of service

Under the WSH Act, the roles of employer
are to take as far as reasonably practicable, protect the safety and health of employees or workers working under their direct control, as well as all who may be affected by their work. Employer roles also include:

conducting risk assessments to remove or control risks to workers at the workplace
maintaining safe work facilities and arrangements for the workers at work
ensuring safety in machinery, equipment, plant, articles, substances and work processes at the workplace;
developing and implementing control measures for dealing with emergencies;
providing workers with adequate instruction, information, training and supervision

WSH legal responsibilities on installation and/or operation of CNC Turning

a WSH legal responsibilities of the designer, manufacturer or supplier of
CNC turning machine

Under the WSH Act, manufacturer or supplier of CNC turning machine
refer to any person who manufacturers or supplies machinery, equipment
or hazardous substances used at work in the workplace

The WSH legal responsibilities of the designer, manufacturer or supplier of
the CNC turning machine are:

Provide proper information on the safe use of the machinery, equipment
or hazardous substance

Ensure that the machinery, equipment or hazardous substance is safe for

Ensure that the machinery, equipment or hazardous substance has been
tested and examined so that it is safe for use

Equipment/Machinery to provide information on the machinery and
equipment Lists if the provided machinery and equipment falls into any
of the below mentioned category

a. Bar benders
b. Equipment or piping intended for operation under pressure, including
all statutory pressure vessels
c. Equipment or piping intended to contain corrosive, toxic or
flammable substances
d. Equipment used for abrasive blasting, including any accessories,
apparatus or fitting necessary to enable it’s use and operation
e. Explosive powered tools
f. Forklifts
g. Lifting equipment
h. Materials or components used for the construction of support
i. Power presses
j. Scaffolds and any materials or components used to erect them
k. Welding equipment, including any accessory, apparatus or fitting
necessary to enable it’s use Equipment/Machinery supplier to provide substances Lists if any of the below mentioned substances are used in the machinery or equipment

a. Carcinogens
b. Corrosive substances
c. Explosives
d. Flammable substances
e. Gases under pressure
f. Irritants
g. Mutagens
h. Organic Peroxides
i. Oxidising substances
j. Pyrophoric substances
k. Self-heating substances

b WSH legal responsibilities of the installer of CNC turning machine

Under the WSH Act, erector or installer of CNC turning machine refer to any
person who installs or erects machinery, equipment, the building
itself or any item for use in the workplace

The WSH legal responsibilities of the installer of the CNC turning
machine is they must ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the machinery
or equipment erected, installed or modified is safe and without health risks when properly used

WSH legal responsibilities of employees operating the CNC turning

Under the WSH Act, employees operating the CNC turning machine
refer to any person at work, including an employee, that is one employed
under a contract of service, volunteer or any other person training or working
under the employer such as an industrial attachment student

The WSH legal responsibilities of the employees operating the CNC turning
machine are:

They must adhered to safe working procedures and principles
introduced at the workplace
They must not endanger themselves or others working around them
through unsafe behaviour
They must not tamper with any safety device or undertake any
wilful or reckless acts
They should always correctly use any personal protective equipment
provided at work

WSH legal responsibilities of an engineer who modifies the CNC turning

Assumption : Engineer is one of the installer and erector of the

Under the WSH Act, The WSH legal responsibilities of an engineer who
modifies the CNC turning machine is they must ensure, as far as reasonably
practicable, the machinery or equipment erected, installed or modified is safe
and without health risks when properly used

Workplace Safety and Health - Sample of Legal Register

Workplace Safety and Health -Inform Stakeholders About WSH Legal and Other Requirements

Inform stakeholders about WSH legal & other requirements in Singapore
WSH legal and other requirements applicable to the workplace

It is of paramount importance that any organization should know what are the WSH Regulations and other legal requirement applicable to their context for compliance and this is usually done through the compilation of a WSH legal register

The WSH legal register is a legal register that contain information on the legal obligations pertaining to a specific activity or product or service, as well as management information to assist with achieving the legal compliance

In short, a legal register should include:

List of legal and other requirements applicable to the organization
Organization activities, products, services for which the requirements apply
Indication of currency of the register, such as date of review

It is important that any organization identify the advisory resources for WSH legal and other requirements which are applicable to the organization because they are legal binding, meaning that the organization can be prosecuted or compounded for failure to comply with required applicable WSH legal and other legal requirements

Organization can seek out relevant applicable OH &S legislative or other requirements applicable to their context through the use of external sources such as

Trade associations
Regulatory bodies
Legal services
OH &S institutes
OH&S consultants
Equipment manufacturers
Materials suppliers

When the WSH advisory resources have been identified, organization shall collect information relevant to their context, compile and document the legal register that list the applicable WSH legal requirements in accordance with the organizational procedures

Having identified the relevant WSH Regulations and other legal requirements, the organization need to include in it’s procedure on how it can access the legal or other requirement and also to ensure that it can identify any changes that affect the applicability of legal or other requirements relevant to it’s OH&S hazards.

Similarly the organization’s procedure needs to identify who should receive information on legal or other requirements, and ensure that relevant information is communicated to them

Workplace Safety and Health - Means for effective communication of WSH policy changes

Means for effective communication of WSH policy changes
The Organization management should communicate changes in the WSH policy and objectives to both the internal and external stakeholders
The means of communication may include the use of :
Communication channels for internal stakeholders
Intranet –where formal announcement on the changes in WSH policy and
objectives are posted on intranet and can be accessed by employees with
computer access
Notice boards-where posters or banners on changes in WSH policy are
being posted
Employee communication sessions -where communication on changes
to WSH policy are carried out during toolbox meeting, morning briefing etc
Communication channels for external stakeholders
Meeting –where face to face formal meeting is conducted in small group
meetings with external parties which provides the opportunity for on the
spot clarification
Email –where formal email to inform external stakeholders on thechanges in WSH policy and the impacts to them

Workplace Safety and Health - Effective Communication of WSH Policy Changes

Means for effective communication of WSH policy changes

The Organization management should communicate changes in the WSH policy and objectives to both the internal and external stakeholders
The means of communication may include the use of :

Communication channels for internal stakeholders

Intranet –where formal announcement on the changes in WSH policy and
objectives are posted on intranet and can be accessed by employees with
computer access

Notice boards-where posters or banners on changes in WSH policy are
being posted

Employee communication sessions -where communication on changes
to WSH policy are carried out during toolbox meeting, morning briefing etc

Communication channels for external stakeholders

Meeting –where face to face formal meeting is conducted in small group
meetings with external parties which provides the opportunity for on the
spot clarification
Email –where formal email to inform external stakeholders on the
changes in WSH policy and the impacts to them

Workplace Safety and Health - Characteristics Of Good WSH Policy

Characteristic of a good WSH Policy

WSH policy is a statement in writing made by the management which describe the company or organization’s commitment and objectives in relation to health and safety.

It also provides a framework and guiding principles for decision making in the day to-day operation of the business The characteristic of a good WSH policy should be in line with management system such as the OSHAS 18001 and SS506 and should have the following characteristics:

• Is appropriate to the nature and scale of OHS risks

• Commitment to
-Prevention of injury and ill health
-Comply with applicable legal and other requirements
-Continual improvement
• Provides the framework for setting and reviewing OHS objectives
• Is documented, implemented and maintained
• Is communicated to all persons, make aware of their OHS obligations
• Is available to the interested parties and
• Is reviewed periodically to ensure that it remain relevant and appropriate

In the WSH management system, policy takes input (and is also affected by) from other elements of the management system, such as the performance
measurement, audit results, management review outcome. It takes input from
these elements of the management system and provides input to the planning of the management system as illustrated below:

Elements of good WSH culture include the following Proactive Culture

Taking approach to prevention of workplace accidents and injury through hazards identification and risk control as well as mitigation measures

Regenerative Culture

There is constant review of the organization system and procedures

Increasingly informed

Where employees becoming increasingly informed and there is involvement of
management, workers and the stakeholders

Increasing accountability

where accountability and responsibility are emphasised throughout the

Increasing interdependence

Where workers are empowered to look for safety defects and to make improvements

Integration of WSH into business

Where application of management controls to all aspect of business processes critical
to safety

Workplace Safety and Health - Effective Communication of WSH Policy Changes

Means for effective communication of WSH policy changes

The Organization management should communicate changes in the WSH policy and objectives to both the internal and external stakeholders
The means of communication may include the use of :

Communication channels for internal stakeholders

Intranet –where formal announcement on the changes in WSH policy and
objectives are posted on intranet and can be accessed by employees with
computer access

Notice boards-where posters or banners on changes in WSH policy are
being posted

Employee communication sessions -where communication on changes
to WSH policy are carried out during toolbox meeting, morning briefing etc

Communication channels for external stakeholders

Meeting –where face to face formal meeting is conducted in small group
meetings with external parties which provides the opportunity for on the
spot clarification
Email –where formal email to inform external stakeholders on the
changes in WSH policy and the impacts to them

Workplace Safety and Health - Resources Required For Proposed Changes to Policy and Objectives

Resources for implementation of the proposed changes to the policy and

The resources which the organization required for the implementation of the
proposed changes to the policy and objectives may include the following

• Human resources – where both employees and trainers (internal/external)
are required to undergo/conduct CPR, first aid, chemical safety
awareness and development of risk assessment register training as well
as operation of the mechanical aid training
• Financial resources-for sourcing of mechanical aid to reduce manual
lifting, engaging external trainer for CPR and first aid training and
purchase of standardised safety signage to improve hazard
• Internal resources-where identified employees are required to attend
CPR, first aid, chemical safety awareness and development of risk
assessment register training as well as operation of the mechanical aid
• External resources where accredited training service providers are
engaged to provide CPR, first aid, chemical safety awareness training and
development of risk assessment register training.

Organization’s documentation process and procedures

In the given case study it was assumed that during the review process, the
management have accepted all the proposed changes except the following

Proposed changes

• 50% of employees should be trained on first aid and CPR to improve
emergency preparedness.
It is important that the organization document and communicate to the relevant
stakeholders on the changes in policy if any arising from the WSH policy and
objective review process.

The changes in policy arising from the review may include

• Revision to WSH policy
• Revision to WSH objectives
• Revision to target date if completion of projects
• Changes to WSH organization, roles and responsibilities
• Changes in areas to be emphasised in WSH
• Tightening of control and surveillance in certain areas
• Specific improvement or corrective actions to be taken by certain

Organization’s documentation of change process and procedures

Communication on changes in WSH policy arising from the review process must be documented. The organization documentation of change in WSH policy and objectives process includes the following:

• Internal communication log for communication with internal stakeholders
such as employers, senior management ,line and functional managers
and Union etc
• External communication log for communication with external stakeholders
such as contractors and customers etc
• Management of change procedures where procedure to ensure the
change is successfully accomplished while eliminating or minimizing any
negative impact as a result of the change through monitoring, follow up
evaluation and documentation is clearly spelled out
• Management review procedures where procedures on WSH policy and
objective review processes are spell out clearly to address:
-Suitability of current WSH policy and objectives
-Adequacy of current hazard identification, risk assessment and risk
control processes
-Adequacy of resources such as personnel and materials
-Effectiveness of WSH inspection and hazard reporting process

Workplace Safety and Health - stakeholder’s involvement in the review and methods of

Importance of stakeholder’s involvement in the review and methods of
gaining their involvement

Stakeholder’s involvement in the WSH policy review processes is important as
it can leads to the achievement of the following:
• Establishment of more balanced WSH policy and objectives, with
consideration of the stakeholder’s interests.
• Setting of realistic and achievable WSH policy and objectives
• Easier to obtain the stakeholder’s support during the implementation

Methods of gaining stakeholders involvement

Organization may employ either one of the following methods to help them gain the stakeholders involvement in the WSH policy and review processes

• WSH committee meetings
• Interested parties feedback sessions
• Small group meetings
• One-on-one discussions
• Email and telephone calls with interested parties
• Surveys
Establish the likely impact and the resources needed for implementation,
prior to finalising the proposed changes to the policy and objectives

For this case study we shall assumed that the organization has an effective
sound and positive WSH policy and program which is current and relevant to
their context and continuous improvement efforts have been undertaken to
constantly improve their WSH management system
In addition the organization WSH policy is also in line with management system
such as the OSHAS 18001 and SS506 and have the following characteristics:
• Is appropriate to the nature and scale of OHS risks
• There are commitment to
-Prevention of injury and ill health
-Comply with applicable legal and other requirements
-Continual improvement
• Provides the framework for setting and reviewing of OHS objectives
• Is documented, implemented and maintained
• Is communicated to all persons, make aware if their OHS obligations
• Is available to the interested parties and
• Is reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate

Assessment of likely impact due to the proposed changes during review

It is important that the organization conduct assessment of the following
proposed changes and analyzed it’s impact prior to finalising the changes to
WSH policy and objectives

Proposed changes includes

• All employees should be trained on chemical safety as this is the major
hazard identified during risk assessment
• 50% of employees should be trained on first aid and CPR to improve
emergency preparedness.
• Due to aging workforce, mechanical aids should be installed to eliminate
or reduce manual handling
• To improve hazard communication, all safety signs are to be standardised
and made of durable types
• To ensure that risk registers are kept up to date, all departments must
review risk register annually

The impact to the organization arising from changes process may include the

• Reduced WSH risks
• Reduced costs
• Improved productivities
• Improved compliance
• Lower injury and illness rates

Workplace Safety and Health : Establishment of regular WSH Policy and Objectives Review

Establish regular and effective WSH review process of WSH policy and

Processes to review changes to organization WSH policy and objectives shall be carried out by the top management at regular intervals that it determines.
Relevant stakeholders such as the employees, Union, Suppliers, Contractors
and Shareholders should be included in the review processes. The WSH policy
review processes may include the following:

• Review meeting by top management
• Focus on overall performance in WSH rather than specific details
• Address subjects of
-Suitability of current WSH policy
-Setting or updating of WSH objectives of continual improvement in the
coming period
-Adequacy of current hazard identification, risk assessment and risk
control processes
-Current level of risk and effectiveness of existing control measures
-Adequacy of resources ( financial, personnel, materials)
-Effectiveness of WSH inspection and hazard reporting processes
-Accident and incident statistics
-Result of any accident and incident investigation
-Internal and external audit results
-State of emergency preparedness
-Improvement on WSH management system
-Assessment of effects of foreseeable change to legislation or technology

Importance of relevant stakeholders involvement in the review

Stakeholder’s involvement in the WSH policy review processes is important as
it can leads to the achievement of the following:

• Establishment of more balanced WSH policy and objectives, with
consideration of the stakeholder’s interests.
• Setting of realistic and achievable WSH policy and objectives
• Easier to obtain the stakeholder’s support during the implementation

Methods of gaining stakeholders involvement

Organization may employ either one of the following methods to help them gain the stakeholders involvement in the WSH policy and review processes

• WSH committee meetings
• Interested parties feedback sessions
• Small group meetings
• One-on-one discussions
•  Email and telephone calls with interested parties
• Surveys

Facilitation of WSH policy and objectives reviewing process

Organization shall facilitate the review of the WSH policy and objectives process in accordance with it’s organizational procedures and one of the roles of a WSH officer is to facilitate WSH policy and objective reviewing process which may include the following:

• Define the schedule and subjects to be reviewed and obtain management
• Determine the attendees to the management review
• Determine roles and responsibilities of individual participants of the review
• Identify resources needed to organize an review
• Make logistic arrangements
• Collect and collate data and information to be presented during the review
• Organize the data into user-friendly information including charting,
trending, tabulation of data
• Take minutes of review meeting

Workplace Safety and Health - WSH Policy and Objectives Review Process

Establish regular and effective WSH review process of WSH policy and

Processes to review changes to organization WSH policy and objectives shall be carried out by the top management at regular intervals that it determines.
Relevant stakeholders such as the employees, Union, Suppliers, Contractors
and Shareholders should be included in the review processes. The WSH policy
review processes may include the following:

• Review meeting by top management
• Focus on overall performance in WSH rather than specific details
• Address subjects of
-Suitability of current WSH policy
-Setting or updating of WSH objectives of continual improvement in the
coming period
-Adequacy of current hazard identification, risk assessment and risk
control processes
-Current level of risk and effectiveness of existing control measures
-Adequacy of resources ( financial, personnel, materials)
-Effectiveness of WSH inspection and hazard reporting processes
-Accident and incident statistics
-Result of any accident and incident investigation
-Internal and external audit results
-State of emergency preparedness
-Improvement on WSH management system
-Assessment of effects of foreseeable change to legislation or technology

Importance of relevant stakeholders involvement in the review

Stakeholder’s involvement in the WSH policy review processes is important as
it can leads to the achievement of the following:
• Establishment of more balanced WSH policy and objectives, with
consideration of the stakeholder’s interests.
• Setting of realistic and achievable WSH policy and objectives
• Easier to obtain the stakeholder’s support during the implementation

Methods of gaining stakeholders involvement

Organization may employ either one of the following methods to help them gain the stakeholders involvement in the WSH policy and review processes

• WSH committee meetings
• Interested parties feedback sessions
• Small group meetings
• One-on-one discussions
• Email and telephone calls with interested parties
• Surveys

Facilitation of WSH policy and objectives reviewing process

Organization shall facilitate the review of the WSH policy and objectives process in accordance with it’s organizational procedures and one of the roles of a WSH officer is to facilitate WSH policy and objective reviewing process which may include the following:

• Define the schedule and subjects to be reviewed and obtain management
• Determine the attendees to the management review
• Determine roles and responsibilities of individual participants of the review
• Identify resources needed to organize an review
• Make logistic arrangements
• Collect and collate data and information to be presented during the review
• Organize the data into user-friendly information including charting,
trending, tabulation of data
• Take minutes of review meeting

Workplace Safety and Health : Potential problem that may arise during the WSH policy implementation

Potential problem that may arise during the WSH policy implementation

Potential problems that may arise during the WSH policy implementation process is that individuals within the management organization do not understand their roles or their roles have never been properly explained and communicated to them and neither is it documented.

The higher an individual appointment within the organization, the less likely that the affected individual will receive any form of formal health and safety training and training at management board level is usually rare.
In addition, the varying objectives and priorities between different levels and
functional departments within the organization could potentially leads to dispute due to conflict of interests where each functional department or level is only interested in their own areas of operations with no cross-functional collaborations to work achieving the organization overall WSH goals and objectives.

Due to the present of this stereo-typing mentality among the different functional groups, it affects the stakeholder’s attitude towards the organization health and safety

Determine actions to be taken should problem arise during the WSH policy
implementation process

Organization should identify mechanism to collate and monitor problems that
can arise during the WSH policy implementation process. And when problems
arise during policy implementation stage, organization should take the following actions to resolve them

• Identify the obstacles or problems encountered
• Escalate the problems to the management. Including also issues relating
to resources and timelines if unable to resolve.
• Convene a meeting involving all affected parties for discussion on
reorganization and redeployment of resources and strategy for the
purpose of resetting the timeline for implementation of WSH policy and
inform all parties affected

Actions to be taken to address the identified potential problems may

• Communicate to the affected person(s) and made them aware of the
WSH policy and their roles in it’s implementation. Following which
document on the individual WSH roles shall be prepared and served to
the affected person and a copy filed in the Human Resource Department
employee personal files
• Assign health and safety responsibilities. When assigning health and
safety responsibilities the management have to consider the person’s
level of authority
• Establishment of accountability to monitor WSH performance and
commitment of all managers to achieve the organization’s overall WSH
• Include Safety and Health responsibilities and performance objectives in
all levels of employees job descriptions; performance appraisal and
salary reviews.
• Develop procedures to ensure that safety and health performance is
considered in performance appraisal
• Specify how WSH performance will be measured
• Involve the stakeholders in the WSH program to create the recognition
and the sense of belongings in them so as to encourage their participation
and commitment in workplace safety and health program
• Provision of training to equip the stakeholders with the knowledge and
skills to assume their assigned program responsibilities. Training program
such as management training, WSH Committee Training and Employee
Orientation training should be taken into consideration

Workplace Saferty and Health - Design Programme for Stakeholders Awareness and Involvement In Implemenation of WSH policy

Design organization wide programme for stakeholder awareness and
involvement in implementation of WSH policy

To increase the stakeholder awareness and their involvement in implementation of WSH policy, organization should design WSH programme with a view to increase both the internal/external stakeholder awareness and involvement programmes

The design of such programme may include:

• Communication to internal stakeholders programme such as:

-Communication packages through email and intranet
-Internal newsletters, flyers and notice boards
-small group meetings and activities
-Committee and workgroup meetings
-Feedback sessions
-Company-wide promotional campaigns

Typical channels used in obtaining feedbacks from stakeholders are

• Small group meetings and activities
• Feedback sessions
• Email/Electronics/Hardcopy Surveys
• Interview sessions

Means to monitor the progress of WSH policy implementation may include

• The use Gantt Charting. As Gantt charts provides an easy reference for
how to carry out a given project by breaking it down into specific phases
and tasks and its visual charting make it easily to identify visually the
bottlenecks associated with a project.
• Periodic review of the workplace inspection reports, accident
investigations, and health and safety program evaluations as well as
the recommendations by health and safety committee or representative’s

• Communication to external stakeholders through programme such as:

-Communication packages through email and electronic survey
-Formal letters
-Interview sessions
The relevant stakeholders should includes:
• Employees
• Union
• Suppliers
• Contractors
• Shareholders

Ways to engage and motivate stakeholders in the change process within
organisational structure and system

There are various ways that an organization can use to engage and motivate
stakeholders in the change process within organisational structure and system
Engaging stakeholders involvement and support by:

• Making awareness on the set objectives
• Establishing the needs and the specific change required
• Developing change strategy and communicating the actions required from
• Identifying and responding to likely reactions to change
• Establishing mechanisms for obtaining feedback
• Motivating with reward and recognition

Strategy for implementing policy

Once Organization had prepared the  WSH policy, they should develop WSH
strategy to help them implement the WSH policy. Similarly, organization should also initiate and implement WSH programmes to help them achieve their WSH objectives:

• Assign health and safety responsibilities
• Set standards
• Involve stakeholders in the program
• Identify, assess, and control hazards;
• Audit the program
• Provide training;

 Obtaining and maintaining management support such as

• Provision of necessary resources
• Leading by example
• Motivation of staff

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