Sunday, September 29, 2013

Think Safety. Work Safely. Stopping All Unsafe Actions To make Every Employee Happy

Workplace accidents are not only painful but also costly. Worst it leaves that vivid episode and trauma in you for life while others permanently incapacitated you and burdened your family members If you ever experienced workplace accidents at your workplace, whether fatal or serious, you know that at the end of it, it’s not just the loss of time, it’s also the emotional impact th at such accidents have on your fellow colleagues and on management as well. Don't be an arm chair critic . Go out and start intercepting and intervening all unsafe actions before it is all too late . You could have save a life if you had intervened on time or may be if you didn't intervened on time, you may just live a remorseful life reproaching yourself over and over again ,asking Yourself “I wish I’d done this, I wish I’d done that”, and that regret is something that we all want to avoid The following safety poster is a form of safety promotion to promote the awareness of intervention on unsafe actions in the workplace

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